Mascoutah Elementary Teachers and staff enjoyed the week with breakfast, lunch, treats and great prize giveaways! Thank you PTO for helping to show our staff how loved and appreciated they are! Taco Truck today was amazing! Thank you teachers and staff for all you do each day to make MES such a great place for boys and girls!
over 5 years ago, Kim Enriquez
Mascoutah Elementary School 3rd, 4th and 5th Grade Spelling Bee Winners and Participants. 3rd Grade Winners: 1st-Celeste Grodeon, 2nd-Brielle Becker & 3rd-Skylard Fauth! 4th & 5th Grade Winners: 1st-Trystyn Crow & 2nd-Jonah Jungewaelter! Congratulations to today's winners!
over 5 years ago, Kim Enriquez
MES students use their wampans to buy lunch with the principals! It is a great day to be an MES student! #19EveryStudent
over 5 years ago, Sandra Litteken
Good lunch day
Mascoutah Elementary 4th Grade students in Mrs. Richards's Class celebrated the end of their Civil War Unit by performing a Wax Museum of people from this time period.
over 5 years ago, Kim Enriquez
School Supply Kits are now available for the 2019-2020 school year! Follow the link below or see the flyer. This is a great time saver for busy families!
over 5 years ago, Kim Enriquez
Mascoutah Elementary School is celebrating our military children this week! #19EveryStudent
over 5 years ago, Sandra Litteken
Military Students
Looking forward to celebrating our teachers next week during Teacher Appreciation Week!
over 5 years ago, Kim Enriquez
MES is proud of our 5th grade students Lily Mokriakow and Ceretta Dawson. These two young ladies were honored at the Illinois Principal Association's Student Recognition breakfast this morning. We are so glad these ladies are MES students! #19EveryStudent
over 5 years ago, Sandra Litteken
Lily Mokriakow
Ceretta Dawson
Mascoutah Elementary School's BOGO (Buy One Get One) Book Fair is May 7 - 14. Family Night is May 7. Check the link to find out when your child's class is going to the Book Fair, and to sign up to volunteer!
over 5 years ago, Sandra Litteken
Month of the Military Child: Of our 4237 students, ~2200 are military-connected. This week MSD19 schools have activities to celebrate and honor them. #19EveryStudent #MilitaryChild For more:
over 5 years ago, Mascoutah School District
Month of the Military Child
MES students celebrated no office referrals in April by eating a sack lunch with their teacher! It was too wet at the park, but the students found another place to picnic. Way to go, MES students! #19EveryStudent
over 5 years ago, Sandra Litteken
Fun lunch for these straight ”A” 5th graders! #19everystudent
over 5 years ago, Kim Enriquez
We’re thrilled to announce Mascoutah School District 19’s new app! Access sports scores, cafeteria menus, news updates, even emergency notifications. Download the app on Android: or iPhone:
almost 6 years ago, Mascoutah School District
MSD19 App
Mrs. Enriquez was in a sticky situation for a good cause at Mascoutah Elementary this morning! The students raised $1353 for our PBIS rewards! We challenge other M19 schools to stick their principal to the wall! #M19EveryStudent
almost 6 years ago, Sandra Litteken
Mrs. Enriquez
Group Picture
Mrs. Enriquez
The Mascoutah School Board discussed the one-time option to not make up a snow day. It has been decided that students will not attend school on Tuesday, May 28, originally scheduled as a half-day. The last day of school is Friday, May 24, a full day of attendance for students.
almost 6 years ago, Mascoutah School District
Pizza Hut Lunch today with lucky Wampan winners!
almost 6 years ago, Kim Enriquez
Loved having MHS Student Council visit MES today! They read to kindergarten and 1st grade classes and then led us in an activity. Thanks so much for the books!
almost 6 years ago, Kim Enriquez
STEM Challenge - fairytales with Mrs. Johnson's first grade class! We love our parent and grandparent volunteers!!! #19EveryStudent
almost 6 years ago, Sandra Litteken
Congratulations to the cast and crew of 101 Dalmatians, 82 MES 5th graders, & their awesome director, Mrs. Neshala Warner! Fantastic performance tonight! #19EveryStudent
almost 6 years ago, Sandra Litteken
Mascoutah Elementary 5th graders did an amazing job tonight performing the musical 101 Dalmatians! Big shout out to Mrs. Warner for the time and effort she put into making this a success!
almost 6 years ago, Kim Enriquez