Mascoutah Elementary School students celebrated veterans in our families and community on Thursday. Students sent in information about veterans in their families. Students also honored veterans at an assembly. Fifth graders made floats for the shoebox parade, and a white table was set up in the cafeteria. Our community is blessed with so many veterans. #19EveryStudent #MESProud #MESStrong
Mrs. Helf's 2nd grade class at MES had a couple visitors today to teach about what they do as part of amazing military to help celebrate and educate about Veteran's Day. Thank you to all that have served! #MESProud #19EveryStudent
Today we are celebrating Mrs. Sarah Hendrickson, MES School Psychologist, for National School Psychologist Appreciation Day! Mrs. Hendrickson works hard to help all of our students at school. We are very lucky she is on our team! #MESProud #MESStrong
Mascoutah Elementary School students whom had zero office referrals enjoyed bounce houses during specials today! Thank you to all of the parent volunteers who helped chaperone! We are proud of our students! #MESProud #MESStrong #twistandbounce
Miss Dinge's third grade class at Mascoutah Elementary School was one of seven classes that have had ten days of perfect attendance so far this school year! Students chose lunch at the park with the principals to celebrate! #MESProud #MESStrong #attendancematters
As part of the Principal Ambassador program, fifth grade students applied, were chosen and accepted into the Safety Patrol program. This was their first day on the job. After training with School Resource Officer Mark Sunnquist, students were ready to to begin helping students arrive to school safely. #MESProud #MESStrong
Thank you for joining us at McTeacher night!
It was wonderful to see so many MES students and families! #MESProud #19EveryStudent
Congratulations to our 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders with the top mile run times in PE class! Awesome work! #MESProud #MESStrong
Mascoutah Elementary School had a great turn out for Trunk or Treat! We had awesome weather, lots of trunks and candy, good music and a record-breaking turnout! Thank you to the Mascoutah Elementary School PTO for organizing this for our students! #MESProud #MESStrong
Congratulations to Ann McKinley, MES art teacher. Mrs. McKinley showcased two of her art pieces at the Artist-Teacher Exhibition at the Edwardsville Art Center earlier this month. MES is so lucky to have Mrs. McKinley teaching art to our students! #MESProud #MESStrong
MES 4th graders are building Vex Go robots in computer class this week. The next step will be coding them to run autonomously! #MESProud #19MESStrong
Congratulations to our first 3 homeroom winners of the Attendance Award.
Mrs. Mafte, Ms. Amann, and Mrs. Caserotti's homerooms had 10 days of all students present all day. We look forward to celebrating with more homerooms as they all continue to earn a letter to the word "Attendance" for each day they have all students present. #19EveryStudent #MESProud
The Mascoutah Fire Department visited Mrs. Houk's class to talk about fire safety. #MESProud #MESStrong
Mascoutah Elementary School is especially proud of our very own Mrs. DeLeonardis or Mrs. D, one of our social workers. Mrs D. ran 100 miles in 34 hours in the Farmdale Ultra in Peoria, IL over the weekend! Wow! Great job of showing us how you used grit, determination and perseverance to meet your goal! Mrs. D! #MESProud #MESStrong
MES Parents - Mark your calendars for the third annual Trunk-or-Treat on Friday, October 20 from 5:30 - 8 pm in the MES parking lot off of Poplar Street. We need lots of help to make this fun event happen. Please consider signing up for decorating your trunk, donating candy or helping at the hot dog station. Scan the QR Code or visit the MES website to go to the Trunk-or-Treat sign up
So far we have received half of our Impact Aid Surveys—keep up the good work!!! (due Nov. 3). Federal Impact Aid accounts for about 30% of the District’s funding. You will need to complete this survey for each child in your family. #19EveryStudent #OneTeamOneTribeOneFamily
Impact Aid Forms were sent home with students today. Impact Aid is about 30% of MSD19’s revenue. Please help our community by completing this brief form and returning it by Nov. 3, 2023. For more, visit the District’s Impact Aid page under Scott AFB & MSD19! #19EveryStudent
Today Mascoutah Elementary School is celebrating our fabulous custodians, and everything they do to keep our school looking top notch! Thanks so much for all that you do! #MESProud #MESStrong #nationalcustodianday
On Friday, MES students who met their individual PBIS goal for the month of September enjoyed snow cones.
Thank you to the parent volunteers for their help.
As the High School is wrapping up their HOMECOMING Week, Coach Hilgendorf, Coach McGovern, and some of our outstanding football players came to welcome our MES scholars to school. The MES Scholars were so excited to see you all and shake your hands. Thank you for including us in your HOCO festivities. Let's EAT tonight, Go Indians!
#MHSTheHighSchoolofChoice #MESStrong