Dinosaur Fun! Mrs. Hoelscher's class loves dinosaurs! #MESProud #19EveryStudent
11 months ago, Michele Kehrer
Dinosaur puzzles! Team work!
Even more dinosaur fun!
Big dinosaur fun!
Small dinosaur fun!
Second grade at MES has been busy this week learning about erosion and trying to prevent a landslide. Miss Patton, Mrs. Zaldana, and Mrs. Suedmeyer's classes tested their land models in hopes to save the house at the bottom of the hill. #PLTW #19EveryStudent #MESProud
11 months ago, MES 2nd Grade
Today at MES we are celebrating Mr. Mark Sunnquist on School Resource Officer Appreciation Day! When Mark isn't in our front circle helping with traffic or greeting students, he can be found in the hallways, cafeteria or other parts of the school talking to students. #MESProud #schoolresourceofficerappreciationday
11 months ago, Sandra Litteken
sro day 3
sro day 2
sro day 1
For contractions in OG in 2nd grade at MES, Mrs. Munsie’s students were word surgeons performing contraction-ectomies complete with patient folders, gloves, masks, and bandaids (thank you nurse Kelsie)! #19EveryStudent #MESProud
11 months ago, MES 2nd Grade
At MES, 3rd grade and Kindergarten buddies worked together to create Valentine cards that were delivered to the local nursing homes. #MESProud
11 months ago, 3rd Grade Team
Buddies making Valentine's
Buddies making Valentine's
Buddies making Valentine's
Buddies making Valentine's
Congratulations to 5th grade MES students whom were chosen as McScholars. These students were chosen for high academic achievement, living the MES core values and for good school attendance. These students were treated to a limo ride in the McLimo and free lunch at McDonalds today. We are proud of these students! #MESProud
11 months ago, Sandra Litteken
Greetings Families, This just a friendly reminder that we will not be selling tickets at the door, tonight. Thanks for your support and understanding.
11 months ago, Michelle Cooley
104, Watch Us Score!! MES 4th graders have been working hard these last 104 days of school and celebrated with a sports themed day! We are so proud of them! #MESProud #4thGradeRocks
11 months ago, 4th Grade Dream Team
104 Day 3
104 Day 2
104 day 1
2nd grade at MES celebrated 102 days at the "zoo". The students had fun learning about animals with different activities throughout the day. #MESProud #19EveryStudent
11 months ago, MES 2nd Grade
Mascoutah Elementary School had a great turn out for Family Reading Night. Students and their families reads books, took books home, shared a snack, and heard many stories at Camp-Read-A-Lot. Thank you MES PTO for organizing this event for us! #MESProud
11 months ago, Sandra Litteken
family reading 4
family reading night 3
family reading night 2
family reading night1
MES fifth graders in Mr. Veath’s class had some fun learning about chemical reactions in science making elephant toothpaste!! #MESProud #19EveryStudent
12 months ago, Sandra Litteken
experiment 1
experiment 2
experiment 3
experiment 4
experiment 5
Mrs. Munsie's 2nd graders at MES had fun celebrating the 100th day of school with dressing up like they were 100 and a few activities involving 100. #MESProud #19EveryStudent
12 months ago, MES 2nd Grade
dress up
Mrs. Simon's class has been learning about winter, snow, and snow animals. Mrs. Kowalski, our librarian, helped us make snow to play in with and explore. We had "snow" much fun! #MESEveryStudent #MESProud
12 months ago, 4th Grade Dream Team
Snow Fun 1
Snow Fun 2
Snow Fun 3
Snow Fun 4
Snow Fun 5
Mascoutah Elementary School scholars were working hard in second quarter. Today we are celebrating our 4th and 5th grade students whom earned straight A's and high honor roll! Way to go , MES students! #MESProud
12 months ago, Sandra Litteken
5th grade straight A's
5th grade high honor roll
4th grade straight A's
4th grade high honor roll
Kindergarten students at MES celebrated the 100th day of school today with lots of fun learning activities, including dressing up as 100 year old people. #MESProud
12 months ago, Sandra Litteken
100th day of school
100th day of school
100th day of school
100th day of school
100th day of school
Mascoutah Elementary School had over 200 skaters attend the Winter Skating party at Skate City last night! It was wonderful to see so many students and their families and friends having so much fun! #MESProud
12 months ago, Sandra Litteken
skating party4
skating party 3
skating party 2
skating party1
Today, I had the distinguished honor to present our McScholars with their certificates. This award recognizes students from each 5th grade classroom that live out our core values, attend school regularly, and do their best in the classroom. Each semester we will honor students with this prestigious award and they will ride in a Limo to McDonalds where lunch will be provided. Help me in congratulating these McScholars!!!
12 months ago, Michelle Cooley
THANK YOU MES PTO VOLUNTEERS! These volunteers and a few more spent their morning making popcorn for all of our students! What an awesome team of parents demonstrating to our scholars that many hands make light work! Thanks again for helping to make it another great day at MES! #MESProud
12 months ago, Sandra Litteken
parent volunteers
Coming Soon! Be on the lookout for our MES Kindness Rock Garden in the next month or two! Students have started painting those rocks during art class here at MES. #MESProud
12 months ago, MES Art
painting rocks in art class
painting kindness rocks
students painting
Second grade at MES enjoyed a field trip to Belleville West to watch the play, "Finding Nemo." We even had some students get on stage to teach the cast dance moves. #MESProud #19EveryStudent
12 months ago, MES 2nd Grade