Wingate Elementary kindergarten students had a great trip to the Magic House last Friday. They learned about pushes and pulls to end their PLTW unit. #19EveryStudent
Wingate Elementary School Band performed on Thursday night. The students did a great job entertaining their fans. #19WESPride
Wingate Pre-K families and staff had a roaring good time at the Zoo today. #19WESPride
Ms. Grove and Mrs. Carlton's classes released their butterflies this morning! #19WESPride
Mrs. Hofbauer’s WES PreK class having fun with a parachUte for U day! #19WESPride
First grade WES students learned about the life cycle of a butterfly and watched butterflies go from a caterpillar to a chrysalis and finally a butterfly. #19EveryStudent
Landon Dieujuste, 5th grader at WES, was honored at the IPA Student Recognition Breakfast and Awards Ceremony on Wednesday, April 26th for receiving the Illinois Principal Association Award. He was nominated by his teachers for displaying character, leadership and academic success daily. Congratulations, Landon! 💜🎉 #19WESPride
WES kindergarten continued their ABC count down today with G is for Glow Day! Students read about fireflies and ended the day with a glow party! #19EveryStudent
Ms. Grove's class celebrated Earth Day by planting flowers! #19WESPride
Wingate Elementary 3rd graders created bird feeders to celebrate Earth Day. #19WESPride
MHS Student Council read to Wingate kindergarten and first grade students this morning. #19EveryStudent
For the last 26 days of PreK, Wingate is doing a letter of the day. Students and staff enjoyed hat day for letter H. #19WESPride
Wingate Elementary student read a book to the principal. It was an interesting take on the Little Red Riding Hood story. #19WESPride
For the last 26 days of PreK, Wingate is doing a letter of the day. Students and staff enjoyed crazy hair day for letter C. #19WESPride
Mrs. Hill's 2nd grade class at WES working on Esti-Mystery Projects. #19WESPride
Wingate Elementary celebrated our Assistant Principal yesterday for his amazing work with the students. #19WESPride
Wingate Read, Right and Run Club participated in the GoStL marathon. Even though it was freezing on Saturday morning April 1st, Team Wingate showed up!! Thank you Mrs. White and Mr. Robinson for all of your hard work! #19WESWPride
Second graders at WES made their own estimysteries for a math number sense routine. #WESPride #19EveryStudent
Second graders at WES planted seeds to measure and plot growth in math. #WESPride
WES second graders did a PLTW project to test erosion. #WESPride #19EveryStudent