WES Pre-K families enjoyed their first Family Day of the year by having a Family Luau. They enjoyed music, crafts, games, and a snack. #19WESPride #19EveryStudent

A big thank you to the Wingate PTO for purchasing and setting up dinner for our teachers tonight-we are lucky to have all of you taking care of us. Thanks for your thoughtfulness! #19WESPride

WES 4th graders had a great trip to The Gateway Arch today! #19WESPride #19EveryStudent

Mrs. Richards's WES 4th graders have been learning all about volcanoes. They did an experiment to see what kind of lava do exploding volcanoes have. #19WESPride #19EveryStudent

WES 2nd Graders had a fun-filled day on their field trip to Boonies Farm! It was a beautiful day full of laughter and all around smiles.
#19WESPride #19EveryStudent

At WES, Ms. Grove's class had a pumpkin-filled day visiting their very own pumpkin patch in the courtyard, reading pumpkin stories, making pumpkin pie play dough, and playing pumpkin games. 🎃#19WESPride #19EveryStudent

Wingate wants to thank everyone who helped make our fundraiser so successful. We raised over $17,000. We wrapped up the week with a fun run. The top 10 students who raised the most money got to turn our principals into human sundaes. #19WESPride #19EveryStudent

After watching an ASL translation of The Star Spangled Banner, students in Mrs. Grinter's Wingate PreK classes enjoyed listening to Mrs. Trusedell read a story in Spanish while Mrs. Grinter acted as the interpreter reading the story in English. #19WESPride #19EveryStudent

WES 4th graders had a visit with the Park Rangers for their upcoming field trip to The Arch today. They learned a lot about the history of The Arch and can't wait to go visit it next week! #19EveryStudent #19WESPride

Our Wingate school community came out in full force tonight to enjoy Trunk or Treat. A special thanks to the Shiloh Police and East Side Fire Dept. who brought out vehicles and handed out candy as well as families who hosted trunks-we appreciate you! #19WESPride

At WES, Mrs. Maher and Mrs. Schoby’s 1st grade reading groups had fun practicing red words with candy corn bowling! #19WESPride #19EveryStudent

Wingate Kindergarten and 1st grade had a visit from the East Side Fire Department this morning. They showed us all their fire gear and our students even got to go in and check out the fire truck! #19WESPride #19EveryStudent

Wingate Kindergarten spent the morning at the pumpkin patch. It was a beautiful day for some pumpkin fun! #19WESPride #19EveryStudent

Wingate PreK students are excited for the start of Wingate construction. #19WESPride #19EveryStudent

So far we have received half of our Impact Aid Surveys—keep up the good work!!! (due Nov. 3). Federal Impact Aid accounts for about 30% of the District’s funding. You will need to complete this survey for each child in your family. #19EveryStudent #OneTeamOneTribeOneFamily

Good luck to Wingate’s very own Kathi White as she is running in the Chicago Marathon this Sunday, October 8th! She is also competing in the World Age Group Championships! We are so proud of you, Mrs. White! #19WESPride

This week at Wingate, we are grateful for our custodians-Sarah, Lisa, Joy and Mike! Thank you for your hard work and dedication-we appreciate you!

Impact Aid Forms were sent home with students today. Impact Aid is about 30% of MSD19’s revenue. Please help our community by completing this brief form and returning it by Nov. 3, 2023. For more, visit the District’s Impact Aid page under Scott AFB & MSD19! #19EveryStudent

Wingate Kindergarten ended their study of apples with some apple centers. They made hats, played number bingo, and made apple pie in a cup. We ended the morning with some magic apple play-doh in our pod area! #19WESPride #19EveryStudent

Today Mrs. Bechtold’s WES 5th Graders were on the case! The Petrifying Place Value Gang created a number mess, and they had to use their place value knowledge to figure out which suspect was guilty. #19WESPride #19EveryStudent